Tuesday, 28 June 2011

U of A, Museum of the North

It was raining quite hard this morning so we took the city bus rather than our bikes to see the University of Alaska’s Museum of the North. It is a magnificent building with many beautiful and interesting exhibits. The building is a piece of art itself!

We watched all three films they showed: "You are Here", "Winter" and "Dynamic Aurora".

I really enjoyed the wildlife photos taken by a young Japanese man who spent his adult years in Alaska (until being killed by a brown bear at age 44).

The centrepoint of the exhibits gallery was this huge brown bear:

This horse made of branches was very striking:

We spent most of the day at the museum and came home tired and foot-sore. Thank goodness for my bike and K-9 jogger so Gino and Reba could get some exercise when we got home.

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